Setter and Getter with @Input Property in Angular: A Deep Dive

Brajraj Agrawal

Understanding @Input and Its Role

In Angular, the @Input decorator is used to mark a class property as a data input from a parent component. This allows for unidirectional data flow, ensuring that the child component receives data from the parent and cannot directly modify it.

The Need for Setters and Getters

While @Input provides a simple mechanism for data binding, there are scenarios where more control is required over the data that is being passed. This is where setters and getters come into play.

Implementing Setters and Getters

  1. Define the @Input Property:
public myInput: string;

2. Create the Setter:

set myInput(value: string) {
// Perform validation or transformation here
this._myInput = value.toUpperCase(); // Example: Convert to uppercase

3. Create the Getter:

get myInput(): string {
return this._myInput;

4. Private Variable:

private _myInput: string;


  • The setter is invoked when the @Input property is assigned a new value. This provides an opportunity to perform validation, transformation, or other operations on the incoming data before it is stored.
  • The getter is invoked when the @Input property is accessed. This can be used to return a modified value or to perform calculations based on the stored data.
  • The private variable _myInput is used to store the actual value of the @Input property. This ensures that the setter and getter have access to the same data.

Example: Validating Input

set myInput(value: string) {
if (value.length < 5) {
console.warn('Input value must be at least 5 characters long');
this._myInput = value;

Example: Transforming Input

set myInput(value: string) {
this._myInput = value.trim().toLowerCase();

Leveraging Angular’s Latest Transform

Angular 14 introduced a new transform property for the @Input decorator. This allows you to define a custom transformation function that will be applied to the input value before it is assigned to the property.

@Input({ transform: (value: string) => value.toUpperCase() })
public myInput: string;

This is equivalent to using a setter and getter, but it offers a more concise and declarative syntax.


Setters and getters provide a powerful mechanism for controlling the flow of data into and out of components in Angular. By using them effectively, you can ensure data integrity, perform validation, and implement custom transformations. The transform property introduced in Angular 16 further simplifies this process, making it easier to create reusable and maintainable components.

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